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Capsol offers a portfolio of technologies based on 15+ years of R&D, active patents across eleven patent families, and more than 11,000 hours in post-combustion flue gas operation with a chemistry that is industry-proven in hundreds of plants.

Capsol’s solutions are applicable to all hard-to-abate industries and deliver superior performance throughout the entire CO2 capture process, ensuring safe operations and industry-leading capture costs.

Capsol’s capture solutions utilize a nontoxic and non-degradable solvent, with superior HSE profile making operation and permitting easier.

Key segments include cement, biomass, energy-from-waste and gas turbines.


Capsol Technologies' flexible CapsolEoP™ carbon capture solution
Capsol Technologies' flexible CapsolEoP™ carbon capture solution


Carbon capture and heat recovery system in one

Fully electric solution requiring no external steam production or investment in additional steam generation

Inherent heat recovery produces heat at usable temperatures, which improves energy efficiency and reduces opex

Standalone units - can be installed with mimimal impact on uptime and project risk

Utilizes a non-proprietary, nontoxic and non-degradable solvent with superior HSE profile which can ease environmental permitting


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Carbon capture for gas power generation

Enabling affordable low-carbon gas power generation

Capture up to 95%+ CO2 from the exhaust gas without energy penalty

Generate additional electricity while capturing 95%+ CO2 from the exhaust gas

Use carbon capture as a revenue source by the surplus energy from the capture process

CapsolGT®  Gas Turbines with Carbon Capture     Generate additional electricity while capturing 95%+ CO2 from exhaust gases of open cycle gas turbines
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CapsolGo®  Carbon Capture Demonstration Unit with an all-inclusive package


Carbon capture demonstration unit

A mobile, small-scale carbon capture demonstration unit for cement, biomass, energy-from-waste (EfW), power generation and large industrial facilities, designed to answer many of the questions industrial emitters, who consider investing in a full-scale carbon capture plant, may have.

CapsolGo® is an all-inclusive package; transport, installation, deinstallation, operation, deployment, and testing by an independent party – it's all included.

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Capsol Technologies & Eickmeyer/CATACARB® partnership

Enabling streamlined HPC design options for all emitters

Capsol Technologies enables more options for emitters

Capsol as the main contact to the client can utilise CATACARB® as a preferred supplier of design services for the HPC section, providing a great degree of certainty and confidence for clients that a proven solvent can be utilised. 

Synergies for all parties including Stockholm Exergi project

Capsol licenses its patented carbon capture technology, where Eickmeyer provided HPC design services.

CATACARB additives as an alternative to non-proprietary solvents

The use of CATACARB additives is supported by decades of operational data and enhances both absorption and stripping efficiencies.